Thursday, July 18, 2024

News: Planning board vote to approve new Rotherham McDonald's


The planning board at Rotherham Council has voted to approve plans for a new McDonald’s Drive-Thru restaurant in Dinnington - going against the recommendation of officers.

Rothbiz reported last week that the planning officer was recommending that the application be refused, questioning the type of jobs created by McDonald's compared to industrial occupiers as it relates to the planning policy regarding land use.

The proposed site at Campbell Way and Nobel Way is on the site of the former Dinnington Colliery which has been reclaimed and transformed as part of a successful regeneration scheme.

The board heard how the land was allocated for Industrial and Business Use and has been marketed since 2015 but had not received any significant interest due to significant remediation costs.

Applicants said that the plans would deliver a Drive-Thru restaurant, creating 100 jobs (70 full-time equivalent jobs) but the planner's report to the board on the proposals stated that: "by virtue of its range and quality of employment opportunities, it has little positive contribution to the borough and would not meet the criteria."

Assessing the reaction to the plans from the local community, members of the planning board discussed how they disagreed with the officer and were instead satisfied that the range and quality of employment opportunities did meet the criteria for the land use allocation.

A motion was presented to grant approval for the plans, which also highlighted that the proposal would support the continued regeneration of Dinnington and add to the similar uses nearby - namely the Monk's Bridge Farm pub, Greggs, petrol filling station and takeaway units.

The motion was approved unanimously, with approval set to be granted subject to various conditions to be agreed.

Before the meeting Cllr. Amanda Clarke, elected member for the Dinnington area, who has worked with fellow councillor ,Julz Hall, to support the application, said that the proposed Dinnington McDonald's was wanted, adding: "McDonald's Dinnington is supported by our council leader Chris Read, as well as myself and Jake Richards, our Member of Parliament. This new establishment is much anticipated."

Annie Newman, Senior Acquisitions Surveyor at McDonald’s said: “We have wanted to expand our offering of amazing value and high-quality food in Dinnington for some time.

“We appreciate that the Council’s policy allocates this land for employment use, but the number of jobs that our proposals will create is far more than many developments that would be defined as employment use."

Images: McDonald's / Lichfields


Anonymous,  July 18, 2024 at 1:00 PM  

Common sense prevails

Anonymous,  July 18, 2024 at 1:00 PM  

Lovely stuff!

Anonymous,  July 18, 2024 at 2:48 PM  

I’m luvin it

Anonymous,  July 20, 2024 at 5:47 PM  

Great news for lovers of healthy and nutritious cuisine.

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