Tuesday, June 25, 2024

News: Aldwarke employment plans passed


Keyland Developments, the sister-company of Yorkshire Water, has secured outline planning permission for the transformation of a plot of unused land in Rotherham into a new industrial park, which they say would be big enough to create over 800 new jobs.

Rothbiz reported in 2023 on the subsidiary of the Kelda group identifying surplus land at its Sewage Treatment Works at Aldwarke with plans showing how it could accommodate some 330,000 sq ft of commercial buildings.

The 24.4 acre site opposite to the steelworks on Aldwarke Lane is partially developed and is currently occupied by engineered earth mounds and hard standing areas - previously used for drying sewage sludge. It sits next to the Waste Water Treatment Works and River Don.

The land was opencast until 1983, with underground workings ending in 1957 and was allocated for employment use in Rotherham's local plan. Outline proposals are for eight buildings of various sizes that can be subdivided. The use classes would be B2 General industrial and B8 Storage or distribution. An indicative proposed masterplan shows units ranging from 4,000 sq ft to 75,000 sq ft and designs show a 30% split for B2 and 70% for B8.

Plans, drawn up by Sheppard Planning and KPP Architects, state that, when fully operational, the development could generate between 402 jobs and 859 jobs.

Approved without going before the Council's planning board, outline approval comes with a number of conditions.

The planner's report states that the proposed site access off Aldwarke Lane "has been modelled and it has been demonstrated that the junction will operate well within its design capacity" and adds that the impact on nearby Mushroom roundabout "cannot be classified as severe."

The report also shows that investigations were made into whether a former access, an existing rail underpass off Waddington Lane, could be re-opened to the public, following a request from the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA). It was ultimately discounted, mainly due to landowner issues.

Other conditions relate to biodiversity net gain.

Planner conclude: "Overall the Council is of the view that the proposed development has a number of benefits, including economic benefits for Aldwarke and the wider area through job creation which could generate between 402 jobs (B8) and 859 jobs (B2) on an allocated employment site. The proposal is considered to generate between £28m and £59m of GVA annually."

The outline approval comes at the same time as outline plans for land at nearby Parkgate were approved. 434,862 sq ft of new commercial space is proposed on brownfield land next to Parkgate Shopping.

Keyland Developments website

Images: Keyland Developments


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