Tuesday, June 25, 2024

News: Parkgate employment plans passed


The development of 434,862 sq ft of new commercial space on brownfield land in Rotherham have taken a step forward.

Rothbiz reported in 2023 on outline plans from The Stadium Group, which successfully developed Parkgate Shopping retail park in the Enterprise Zone created on the former Parkage steel works, for the remaining 22 acre plot of land bordered by Aldwarke Lane, Parkgate Shopping, the railway line and the new link road.

With the delayed £12m link road and Park & Ride due to complete later this year, Rotherham Council has now approved the latest application.

Plans, drawn up by Tetra Tech and DLA Architecture, explain that the land was historically used to dispose of blast furnace slag associated with the former Parkgate Steel works and formerly contained coke ovens, a tarred slag works, railway sidings, liquid waste lagoons and a subsequent aggregate working plant.

Outline plans show five units for B2 General industrial and B8 Storage or distribution with a gross external area of 434,862 sq ft.

With the new link road, access would be from Aldwarke Lane and Stadium Way / Stonerow Way.

Approved without going to the council's planning board, it comes with a number of conditions.

Remaining undeveloped, the site was designated to be a mixed use area in the borough's local plan in 2018. As storage and distribution is not generally supported in mixed use areas, At this early stage, the developers envisaged that approximately 65% of the floorspace will be for B2 use, and 35% of floorspace will be for B8 use. A planning condition is included to limit B8 use to that percentage. The local road network and the presence of low bridges on Aldwarke Lane were also taken into account.

Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust objected to the loss of habitats and conditions have been included around some biodiversity enhancements on-site in the form of bat roosting features, bird nesting boxes and hedgehog holes.

Given the site's previous uses, another condition relates to carrying out Intrusive Site Investigations to assess for the potential presence and extent of contamination within the soils and groundwater.

South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) also requested that the Stadium Group look at re-opening an existing rail underpass off Waddington Lane. The developers declined to seek agreement with Network Rail, noting, that: “the railway underpass is third party land and is therefore outside the Applicants control, as well as being outside the application site boundary. As such, the Applicant has no authority to provide access under Network Rail (NR) land.”

Previous plans from the Stadium Group for the land have included a 2004 scheme based around an 11 pitch soccer dome with a health and fitness club and swimming pool, plus new retail and restaurant units.

The plans were recommended for approval but developers withdrew when the council included a condition that permission would only be granted with a £1.6m contribution towards the construction of a new road between Stonerow Way including a bridge over the railway line.

The outline approval comes at the same time as outline plans for land at nearby Aldwarke were approved. 330,000 sq ft of commercial buildings are proposed on land next to the Waste Water Treatment Works.

Images: Google Maps


Anonymous,  June 25, 2024 at 1:21 PM  

Why not put some housing on the sites,better than concreting every greenfield in site!

Anonymous,  June 27, 2024 at 9:03 AM  

I think High rise commercial space would make more sense to get more use out of the site. I wouldn't include any parking though, they can all come on the tram.

Anonymous,  June 27, 2024 at 10:36 AM  

That's a good idea. Where does the tram go from in Bramley?

Anonymous,  July 1, 2024 at 3:37 PM  

From the tram stop

Anonymous,  July 6, 2024 at 8:57 AM  

Next door to the club.

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