Friday, October 25, 2019

News: Rotherham town centre housing schemes set for approval


The planning board at Rotherham Council is being recommended to approve the authority's own £30m proposals for new town centre housing.

Rothbiz reported first that plans had finally been submitted for a range of new properties on sites across the town centre owned by the Council. These include the site of the former Sheffield Road baths, Millfold House on Sheffield Road and the former Henley's garage on Wellgate.

The plans would build 171 brand new homes in a range of ownership models from new council rent properties, shared ownership homes and new homes for market sale. 123 (72%) are classed as affordable housing.

Willmott Dixon has been brought in by Rotherham Council to work on the proposals and the planning applications ares set to be discussed at the meeting of the planning board next week.

Plans from Bond Bryan show that family homes and large scale apartment blocks are planned for the vacant Baths site by the river. An apartment block and back-to-back housing is planned for Milfold House with apartment blocks and three-storey houses proposed on Wellgate.

Each application is being recommended for approval but only if a number of financial contributions are made to go towards public open space and travel projects to lessen the impact of the developments.


The Wellgate application has attracted a number of objections due to its impact on the Grade II listed Wellgate Old Hall and the fact it goes against the Council's own guidelines for the site.

Applicants state that "the setting of the building would be preserved by imposing a building line contingent on the west boundary of the site." Objectors state that the apartment blocks overshadow the listed building which would be "smothered to death by overdevelopment."

Planners consider that the development is acceptable and conclude that views of the Hall along Wellgate will not be obscured, adding that the new blocks would "book end" the listed building and reintroduce its historic setting.
Papers to the planning board state: "The Council's Conservation consultant has stated that it would be difficult to suggest that the proposed scale and massing would have a harmful impact on the setting of the Grade II listed Hall. Moreover, the proposed use of traditional brick will ensure that the development maintains a dialogue with not only the Hall but the surrounding historic environment.

"It is noted that the owner / occupant of the Old Hall have raised strong objections to the proposed scheme in respect of the impact on their building. However, for the reasons set out above it is considered that sufficient evidence has been submitted to justify the development."

Documents to the Sheffield City region Combined Authority show that the schemes are set to use £3.917m from the city region's LGF Housing Fund, with Rotherham Council investing £20.468m and £5.965m requested from Homes England.

Rother Living website

Images: Bond Bryan / RMBC


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