News: AJR Computing has got IT covered
Andrew Marriott, from East Dene, set up AJR Computing to help others keep their computers on the go. His company provides PC and laptop repairs, maintenance and support.
He said: "Setting up your own business can be a pretty daunting experience. We are very lucky in Rotherham to have things like the Rotherham Enterprise Project who have business coaches to advise and support you along the way."
Andrew built his knowledge and expertise in the IT world by studying at Rotherham College, Dearne Valley College and then at Sheffield Hallam University where he gained NVQ qualifications before becoming a recognised A+ Certified IT Technician.
He then went on to spend four years as an IT Technician covering a cluster of eight schools in the Maltby area, dealing with a mixture of very routine and extremely complex issues to keep whole networks and individual computers operational.
Andrew got support with his business plan which helped to secure a grant from the UK Steel Enterprise Kickstart fund. He has recently set up a second business, Rotherham Laptop Repair, and is providing ICT support for a number of Rotherham Primary schools for Rotherham Council.
Andrew added: "Work for yourself if a fantastic motivator and I would say to anyone who is thinking about it - don't hold back and just go for it."
The Rotherham Enterprise Project is supported financially by the European Union. It has attracted £1m investment from the European Regional Development Fund as part of Europe's support for the region's economic development through the Yorkshire and Humber ERDF Programme 2007-13.
Jackie Frost, from the Rotherham Enterprise Project said: "Andrew is a fantastic example of someone who has grown up in Rotherham, developed his skills locally and thanks to that entrepreneurial spark set up his own business.
"We wish him every success and look forward to hearing about how his business develops and grows over the coming years."
AJR Computing website
Rotherham Youth Enterprise website
Images: Rotherham Youth Enterprise
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